If your Facebook ads are not getting you the desired results, it may be because you are not using the right tools or you may not be using them correctly. Let us get into 10 Facebook Ad hacks you should know. By the way, get over to Eurisko to view more about Facebook Ads and its comparison with Google Ads.

Picking Out the Right Audience 

Picking out the right audience is a critical step towards successful Facebook ads. You should ensure that it is getting to the right group of people. Facebook ad report is a great tool to help you display how well your ad is doing by displaying your audience in different categories. 

Make Use of Brackets 

You must be wondering, why brackets? This is a very good hack you should employ. Facebook does not allow the use of bold, italics, or even underlining. Therefore, brackets are the best way to make important messages in your advertisement stand out. Make sure this punctuation is not overused. Use it only when it fits in. 

Make Use of Emojis 

Just like brackets, emojis will also make your ad stand out. By adding emojis to your Facebook ads, it makes it blend in with other Facebook posts making them look more friendly and attractive. Make sure to not use too much of them so your Facebook ads don’t look too cringe. 

Remove Any CTA Button

By now, you may have realized that the best way to succeed in Facebook ads is making sure they don’t have much resemblance to normal ads. CTA button means a call to action button on Facebook ads like ‘learn more’ or ‘sign up. Removing them makes your content look more like other Facebook posts. 

Observe Your Competitors 

Like they always say, keep your enemies close. You can look at your competitor’s Facebook ads from the Facebook website. Just go to their Facebook page, go to the sidebar menu and click “info and ads”. Navigate to the region and change it to ‘Global’. All their ads will be displayed. You should not copy their posts to avoid confusing your audience. 

Facebook Messenger Positioning  

This hack is new and has proven well to create great numbers for your Facebook ads. It allows your ads to be positioned below the first few messages of your audience. Few ads are shown at a time so this increases your chances of standing out. 

Instagram Story Placement 

To use this hack, all you need to do is create good video content about your product and that’s it. If you lack the creativity, money, or time to create your videos, fret not, there are a lot of templates available at your disposal. Just make sure to pick the one that matches your brand. 

Test New Ideas

Always make sure you test new ideas and designs. This is to know the high-performing designs and the ones you need to get rid of. 

Do Ads Rotation 

You should always rotate your Facebook ads. If users keep seeing the same post, they either report it as spam, ignore it or hide it. This makes your ads start to seem ineffective. 

Use Facebook Reports 

Facebook reports provide valuable information about your ads. Use it to know your highest-performing posts and the designs with the best conversion rate.

Also, Read This: 5 Ways to Increase Your Facebook Page Engagement
