In today’s digital age, businesses fiercely compete for online visibility, often using SEO to boost their presence. Central to SEO is link building, a process of gaining hyperlinks from other sites that act as digital endorsements.

However, not all business sectors adopt the same strategies for obtaining those links, also called backlinks. Some have turned to particularly aggressive link building techniques to stay ahead. Let’s take a closer look at five such business niches, exploring why and how they’ve become powerhouses in the world of aggressive link building.

Essay Writing

The realm of essay writing services is a unique intersection of academia and commerce. Catering primarily to students but also extending services to professionals, this industry has blossomed in recent years. 

Essay writing services provide custom-written essays, research papers, dissertations, and other academic works. With the surge in online education and the global reach of academic institutions, the demand for such services has grown exponentially. However, this boon has also brought a glut of service providers, each vying for the attention of the same target audience.

Why Aggressive Link Building?

The essay writing niche is characterized by its high competition. The barriers to entry are relatively low, meaning new providers can easily set up shop. In such a saturated market, standing out becomes a Herculean task. 

Aggressive link building offers businesses a way to rise above the crowd. When students see an essay writing service frequently mentioned or recommended on reputable education-related platforms, they view it as a credible and reliable business.

Common Link Building Techniques

  • Guest Posting on Education-Related Websites: Essay writing services often collaborate with educational blogs and student forums. By contributing guest posts, they get a platform to showcase their expertise and acquire valuable backlinks.
  • Cooperation with Influencers in the Education Sector: Leveraging influencers, especially those who cater to student audiences, is another smart strategy. Collaborations, blog exchanges, or having influencers mention the service are used to generate quality backlinks and enhance visibility.



Venturing into the world of online gambling introduces us to a sphere buzzing with energy, high stakes, and the allure of instant rewards. From online casinos to sports betting platforms, the digital revolution has transformed gambling from a physical experience to one that’s just a click away. 

As regulations change and societies become more accepting of this form of entertainment, there’s been a noticeable surge in the number of platforms available. This growth signifies immense potential but also heralds cutthroat competition.

Why Aggressive Link Building?

  • Attracting Users: With so many platforms to choose from, gamblers are often spoiled for choice. Aggressive link building helps gambling sites improve their visibility, ensuring that potential players land on their platforms before they’re swayed by competitors.
  • Regulatory Constraints: Given the sensitive nature of the industry, many traditional advertising avenues are off-limits to gambling sites. This constraint has led them to innovate, with link building emerging as a key strategy.
  • Establishing Credibility: The internet is rife with stories of fraudulent gambling sites and scams. For legitimate platforms, aggressive link building on reputable sites can serve as a badge of credibility, assuring players of their authenticity and reliability.

Common Link Building Techniques

  • Affiliates and Partnerships: The affiliate marketing model is deeply entrenched in the online gambling industry. Websites, bloggers, and influencers promote a gambling platform in exchange for a commission.
  • Sponsored Content on Sports and Gaming Sites: Many gambling platforms invest in sponsored content, placing articles or advertisements on popular sports and gaming sites. These placements provide dual benefits: they capture the attention of potential players and establish valuable backlinks.
    Social media

Social Media Boosters

Social media have long been more than just platforms for interaction—they are a metric of popularity, influence, and success. Brands, influencers, and individuals alike vie for followers, likes, and engagement. Enter the world of social media boosters, where numbers can be amplified, and online influence can be bought.

Social media boosters offer a range of services designed to enhance one’s online presence, from likes and followers to views and even comments. The number of these businesses has been only increasing, creating an incredibly competitive field. Only the most experienced providers of link building services, like the SeoProfy team of skilled link builders, can grow backlink profiles for such websites, so it is no wonder they often resort to aggressive methods. 

Why Aggressive Link Building?

The very premise of a social media booster service is to amplify online presence. It’s only logical that they lead by example. To be trusted to boost others’ social metrics, these platforms must first showcase robust visibility and influence for themselves.

With social media’s omnipresence, countless booster services have emerged, each promising the same outcomes. Aggressive link building becomes an essential strategy to rise above the crowd and capture a more extensive customer base.

Common Link Building Techniques

  • Partnerships with Influencer Marketing Platforms: By collaborating with platforms that connect influencers to brands, booster services can seamlessly integrate their offerings. 
  • Blog Posts on Maximizing Social Media Presence: By publishing articles on improving online visibility, leveraging algorithms, or understanding platform nuances, booster services can attract organic traffic while establishing valuable backlinks.
  • Collaboration with Influencers: Instead of just being a service, many booster platforms partner with influencers for mutual promotion. In exchange for boosting services, influencers might provide shoutouts, mentions, or backlinks from their websites.

Web Development

Web development brings digital ideas to life, transforming them into functional websites and apps. As the online world grows, so does the demand for expert web development. Yet, with countless developers entering the market, standing out is a challenge. Aggressive link building is a key strategy used by these tech professionals to differentiate themselves.

Why Aggressive Link Building? 

For potential clients, seeing is believing. Web developers can talk tech, but if they’re prominently featured or recommended on industry-related platforms, it offers tangible proof of their skills and reliability. Quality backlinks from reputable sources can instill confidence in potential clients, ensuring them of a developer’s credibility.

Web development, at its core, is about creating a robust online presence for clients. Experts in this field play a crucial role in the future of link building while still depending on it for attention. An aggressive link-building strategy is a testament to a developer’s understanding of the digital landscape and their commitment to maximizing visibility.

Common Link Building Techniques

  • Contributions to Tech Blogs and Forums: Many web developers engage with the broader tech community by writing articles, sharing insights, or providing solutions on industry-specific platforms. These interactions not only position them as experts but also generate valuable backlinks.
  • Links from Their Projects: Some developers ask their clients to credit their work by placing a link to their website. This naturally results in a network of backlinks pointing back to the developer’s site.
  • Collaborations and Guest Posts: Web development overlaps with several other digital industries like digital marketing, SEO, and UX/UI design. Thus, cooperating with the representatives of these fields is a popular way to get more inbound links.


Cryptocurrency, with its promise of decentralization and potential returns, has captivated a vast audience. In this rapidly evolving market, maintaining credibility and visibility is a serious test that not many companies can pass. 

There are thousands of altcoins, various blockchain projects, and myriad platforms catering to trading, staking, and other crypto-related activities. As innovations like DeFi (Decentralized Finance) and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) gain traction, the crypto landscape becomes increasingly complex and competitive.

Why Aggressive Link Building?

  • Building Trust in a High-Stakes Environment: Cryptocurrency investments come with significant risks. Ensuring a strong digital presence through quality backlinks can instill confidence in potential investors.
  • Rapid Market Evolution: The crypto market moves at lightning speed. Projects and platforms need to ensure that they remain at the forefront of investor consciousness.

Common Link Building Techniques 

  • Collaborations with Crypto News Outlets: Platforms often collaborate with news outlets for features, press releases, or guest articles. These outlets have vast readerships, and a mention can significantly boost credibility.
  • Engagement in Crypto Forums and Communities: By providing insights, answering queries, or introducing new projects, they can organically introduce their platform and gain backlinks in the process.
  • Educational Content and Webinars: By hosting webinars, crafting educational content, or offering courses, platforms position themselves as industry leaders. Collaborations with educational sites or influencers in the finance and tech space can also generate valuable backlinks.


Link building, as a digital strategy, is fundamental in today’s competitive online ecosystem. But for the niches of essay writing, gambling, social media boosters, web development, and cryptocurrency, it’s more than just a tactic—it’s a lifeline. 

These sectors, often characterized by fierce competition, regulatory challenges, and the need to swiftly establish trust, rely heavily on aggressive link building to assert their online presence. Whether it’s to showcase expertise, navigate around advertising constraints, educate potential clients, or simply stand out in a saturated market, aggressive link building serves as their beacon, guiding potential clients and customers toward them.
