2900+ Baby Boy Names That Start with ‘J’ Letter
First of all, congratulations on the arrival of your baby boy!
When your little one comes into your life, choosing a name for him is one of the most fun and exciting adventures you can experience as a parent. But, with that comes the great responsibility that you need to choose the perfect baby name for your newborn that would truly suit your baby boy.
Of course, this can make you very ‘selective’ about naming your baby and because of this, if you are only considering names that start with the letter J, then know that you are at the right place.
Yes! If you are looking for a J letter name for a boy, we have selected and compiled over 2900 of them to make the process a little easier for you.
From popular choices like Jacob, Jackson, and James to more unique options like Jasper, Jackson, and Jet— there’s a name to fit almost every family’s style and preferences.
So, let’s not waste time and dive straight into the list—
List of Boy Names Starting with Letter ‘J’
The letter ‘J’ is one of the most popular initials for baby boy names. So, because you’re looking to give your new son a name with the letter J; it’s time to check out the below complete list of baby boy names beginning with the letter J.
Sky’s the limit when it comes to giving a name to your newborn, you can even choose something from our list of 1450+ Angel Name ideas.
Whether you love the letter J, the sound it makes, or just want to continue the J name theme in your family, there are tons of baby boy names (that start with the letter ‘J’) for you to choose from!
Top 100 Baby Boy Names That Start with Letter J
1. Jaylen | 51. Jagger |
2. Julius | 52. Joe |
3. Jake | 53. Jedidiah |
4. Jay | 54. Jakari |
5. Jared | 55. Jiraiya |
6. Jaiden | 56. Jon |
7. Jeffrey | 57. Jakob |
8. Johnny | 58. Jamal |
9. Johnathan | 59. Judson |
10. Jayceon | 60. Jacoby |
11. Jaxton | 61. Jadiel |
12. Jase | 62. Jericho |
13. Jasiah | 63. Jones |
14. Jalen | 64. Joey |
15. Jamison | 65. Jaxx |
16. Jonas | 66. Jesiah |
17. Jaziel | 67. Jovanni |
18. Jayson | 68. Jakai |
19. Jamari | 69. Jabari |
20. Jamir | 70. Jaxtyn |
21. Julio | 71. Jair |
22. Jaime | 72. Jakobe |
23. Julien | 73. Jeremias |
24. Jose | 74. Juelz |
25. Jaxson | 75. Jordy |
26. Jace | 76. Jairo |
27. Jasper | 77. Jaxen |
28. Jason | 78. Joan |
29. Jonah | 79. Jerome |
30. Jude | 80. Jad |
31. Jayce | 81. James |
32. Juan | 82. Jack |
33. Jesus | 83. Jackson |
34. Justin | 84. Jacob |
35. Judah | 85. John |
36. Jesse | 86. Joseph |
37. Joel | 87. Julian |
38. Jeremy | 88. Jayden |
39. Jax | 89. Josiah |
40. Jett | 90. Jaxon |
41. Javier | 91. Joshua |
42. Jamie | 92. Jonathan |
43. Johan | 93. Jameson |
44. Justice | 94. Jeremiah |
45. Jaxxon | 95. Jordan |
46. Joziah | 96. Jorge |
47. Jefferson | 97. Jensen |
48. Jerry | 98. Jaden |
49. Junior | 99. Joaquin |
50. Jimmy | 100. Josue |
Top 500 Baby Boy Names That Start With Letter J
1. Jabier | 251. Jagger |
2. Jabin | 252. Jagguar |
3. Jabir | 253. Jago |
4. Jabiri | 254. Jaguar |
5. Jabon | 255. Jahn |
6. Jabori | 256. Jahred |
7. Jaborie | 257. Jahsan |
8. Jabyn | 258. Jahsen |
9. Jabyr | 259. Jahson |
10. Jaccob | 260. Jahvaughan |
11. Jace | 261. Jahvon |
12. Jacee | 262. Jai |
13. Jacek | 263. Jaice |
14. Jachin | 264. Jaicee |
15. Jachob | 265. Jaicey |
16. Jaci | 266. Jaici |
17. Jacie | 267. Jaicob |
18. Jacin | 268. Jaicy |
19. Jacinto | 269. Jaideep |
20. Jack | 270. Jaiden |
21. Jackal | 271. Jaime |
22. Jackel | 272. Jaimes |
23. Jackell | 273. Jaimie |
24. Jackob | 274. Jair |
25. Jackques | 275. Jairay |
26. Jackquise | 276. Jaire |
27. Jacksen | 277. Jaired |
28. Jackson | 278. Jairel |
29. Jackyl | 279. Jairell |
30. Jackyll | 280. Jairo |
31. Jaco | 281. Jairon |
32. Jacob | 282. Jairus |
33. Jacoba | 283. Jake |
34. Jacobb | 284. Jakeam |
35. Jacobi | 285. Jakeem |
36. Jacobina | 286. Jakim |
37. Jacobine | 287. Jakob |
38. Jacobo | 288. Jakson |
39. Jacobson | 289. Jakub |
40. Jacopo | 290. Jakym |
41. Jacot | 291. Jalaal |
42. Jacquan | 292. Jalal |
43. Jacque | 293. Jaleel |
44. Jacquees | 294. Jaleell |
45. Jacquel | 295. Jaleil |
46. Jacques | 296. Jalel |
47. Jacquese | 297. Jalil |
48. Jacquess | 298. Jalu |
49. Jacquet | 299. Jamaar |
50. Jacquett | 300. Jamaari |
51. Jacquez | 301. Jamaarie |
52. Jacquis | 302. Jamahrae |
53. Jacquise | 303. Jamair |
54. Jacsin | 304. Jamal |
55. Jacson | 305. Jamalle |
56. Jacub | 306. Jamar |
57. Jacy | 307. Jamara |
58. Jadan | 308. Jamaras |
59. Jadee | 309. Jamaraus |
60. Jadeen | 310. Jamarr |
61. Jaden | 311. Jamarre |
62. Jadenn | 312. Jamarrea |
63. Jadeon | 313. Jamarree |
64. Jadin | 314. Jamarri |
65. Jadon | 315. Jamarvis |
66. Jadyne | 316. Jamaur |
67. Jaece | 317. Jame |
68. Jaecee | 318. James |
69. Jaecey | 319. Jameson |
70. Jaeci | 320. Jamesy |
71. Jaecob | 321. Jamey |
72. Jaemes | 322. Jameyel |
73. Jaemie | 323. Jameze |
74. Jaemy | 324. Jami |
75. Jaenda | 325. Jamia |
76. Jaerel | 326. Jamiah |
77. Jaerell | 327. Jamian |
78. Jaerill | 328. Jamiee |
79. Jaeron | 329. Jamiesen |
80. Jaeryl | 330. Jamieson |
81. Jaeryll | 331. Jamin |
82. Jannai | 332. Jamison |
83. Jannese | 333. Jammal |
84. Jannus | 334. Jammar |
85. Jano | 335. Jamme |
86. Janos | 336. Jammey |
87. Jansen | 337. Jammie |
88. Janson | 338. Jammy |
89. Jantje | 339. Jamy |
90. J’ron | 340. Jamye |
91. J. C. | 341. Jamze |
92. Ja’far | 342. Jan |
93. Ja’red | 343. Jana |
94. Jaaron | 344. Janae |
95. Jaasan | 345. Janco |
96. Jaasen | 346. Jann |
97. Jaasin | 347. Jefferay |
98. Jaason | 348. Jefferee |
99. Jaasun | 349. Jeffereoy |
100. Jaasyn | 350. Jefferey |
101. Jaavan | 351. Jefferi |
102. Jaavon | 352. Jefferie |
103. Jabahri | 353. Jefferies |
104. Jabain | 354. Jeffers |
105. Jabar | 355. Jefferson |
106. Jabarae | 356. Jeffery |
107. Jabare | 357. Jeffory |
108. Jabaree | 358. Jeffrey |
109. Jabarei | 359. Jeffrie |
110. Jabari | 360. Jeffries |
111. Jabarie | 361. Jeffry |
112. Jabarri | 362. Jehan |
113. Jabarrie | 363. Jehann |
114. Jabary | 364. Jehri |
115. Jabbaree | 365. Jeks |
116. Jabbari | 366. Jel |
117. Jabe | 367. Jelan |
118. Jaber | 368. Jelanee |
119. Jabez | 369. Jelaney |
120. Jabiari | 370. Jelani |
121. Jabien | 371. Jelanie |
122. Januario | 372. Jelany |
123. Januarius | 373. Jelaun |
124. Januisz | 374. Jemaal |
125. Janus | 375. Jemaar |
126. Janusz | 376. Jemar |
127. Japeth | 377. Jemeriah |
128. Japhet | 378. Jemiah |
129. Japhete | 379. Jemon |
130. Japheth | 380. Jemond |
131. Jaques | 381. Jemonde |
132. Jaquese | 382. Jemone |
133. Jaqueus | 383. Jemun |
134. Jaquez | 384. Jemund |
135. Jaqueze | 385. Jenda |
136. Jaquis | 386. Jene |
137. Jaquise | 387. Jenesis |
138. Jaquze | 388. Jenkin |
139. Jaraed | 389. Jenkins |
140. Jarael | 390. Jenkyn |
141. Jaramia | 391. Jenkyns |
142. Jaravis | 392. Jenner |
143. Jarec | 393. Jennesis |
144. Jareck | 394. Jennings |
145. Jared | 395. Jeno |
146. Jaredd | 396. Jens |
147. Jareid | 397. Jense |
148. Jareil | 398. Jentz |
149. Jarek | 399. Jeordon |
150. Jarelle | 400. Jeorg |
151. Jaremay | 401. Jer-Mon |
152. Jaremy | 402. Jeraldo |
153. Jarett | 403. Jerall |
154. Jaric | 404. Jeramiha |
155. Jarick | 405. Jasper |
156. Jariel | 406. Jasten |
157. Jarik | 407. Jastin |
158. Jarl | 408. Jasun |
159. Jarlaf | 409. Jasyn |
160. Jarlath | 410. Jaumar |
161. Jarlee | 411. Javan |
162. Jarleigh | 412. Javaon |
163. Jarlen | 413. Javaughn |
164. Jarley | 414. Jave |
165. Jarli | 415. Javen |
166. Jarlie | 416. Javian |
167. Jarly | 417. Javien |
168. Jarman | 418. Javier |
169. Jarmar | 419. Javin |
170. Jarmarr | 420. Javine |
171. Jarod | 421. Javion |
172. Jaron | 422. Javionne |
173. Jarone | 423. Javohn |
174. Jarques | 424. Javon |
175. Jarquis | 425. Javona |
176. Jarrek | 426. Javone |
177. Jarrel | 427. Javoney |
178. Jarrell | 428. Javoni |
179. Jarret | 429. Javonn |
180. Jarrett | 430. Javonne |
181. Jarric | 431. Javonni |
182. Jarrick | 432. Javonnie |
183. Jarrod | 433. Javonnte |
184. Jarrot | 434. Javonta |
185. Jarrott | 435. Javontae |
186. Jarryl | 436. Javontai |
187. Jarryll | 437. Javontay |
188. Jarv | 438. Javontaye |
189. Jarvaris | 439. Javonte |
190. Jarvas | 440. Javontee |
191. Jarvaska | 441. Javontey |
192. Jarvey | 442. Javoun |
193. Jarvez | 443. Javy |
194. Jarvis | 444. Javyn |
195. Jarvise | 445. Jawhar |
196. Jarvius | 446. Jax |
197. Jarvorice | 447. Jaxen |
198. Jarvoris | 448. Jaxon |
199. Jarvous | 449. Jaxsen |
200. Jarvus | 450. Jaxsun |
201. Jarvyc | 451. Jaxun |
202. Jarvyce | 452. Jay |
203. Jarvys | 453. Jay-Z |
204. Jarvyse | 454. Jayant |
205. Jaryc | 455. Jaybird |
206. Jaryck | 456. Jayden |
207. Jaryk | 457. Jayme |
208. Jasan | 458. Jaymes |
209. Jasaun | 459. Jaymie |
210. Jascha | 460. Jayron |
211. Jase | 461. Jayrone |
212. Jasin | 462. Jayronn |
213. Jason | 463. Jayrus |
214. Jaspar | 464. Jayryl |
215. Jedidiah | 465. Jayryll |
216. Jedidiyah | 466. Jayson |
217. Jeevan | 467. Jayvin |
218. Jeeves | 468. Jayvine |
219. Jefarey | 469. Jayvyn |
220. Jefarie | 470. Jaze |
221. Jefary | 471. Jazeps |
222. Jeferee | 472. Jazper |
223. Jeferey | 473. Je Ronn |
224. Jeferi | 474. Jean |
225. Jeferie | 475. Jeannah |
226. Jefery | 476. Jeannot |
227. Jeff | 477. Jeano |
228. Jeffaree | 478. Jeanot |
229. Jeffarey | 479. Jeanty |
230. Jeffari | 480. Jeays |
231. Jeffarie | 481. Jeb |
232. Jeffary | 482. Jebadia |
233. Jeffeory | 483. Jebadiah |
234. Jaesan | 484. Jebadieh |
235. Jaesen | 485. Jebediah |
236. Jaesin | 486. Jebidia |
237. Jaeson | 487. Jebidiah |
238. Jaesun | 488. Jebidya |
239. Jaesyn | 489. Jebydia |
240. Jaevin | 490. Jebydiah |
241. Jaevon | 491. Jebydya |
242. Jaewan | 492. Jebydyah |
243. Jaewon | 493. Jecho |
244. Jafar | 494. Jecis |
245. Jafari | 495. Jed |
246. Jaffar | 496. Jedadiah |
247. Jaffer | 497. Jeddediah |
248. Jafur | 498. Jededia |
249. Jagar | 499. Jedediah |
250. Jaggar | 500. Jedidia |
Top 1000 Baby Boy Names That Starts with Letter J
1. Jai | 501. Jiri |
2. Jules | 502. Josip |
3. Justus | 503. Jasha |
4. Jean | 504. Jawwad |
5. Jovani | 505. Jaylonn |
6. Jerome | 506. Jemario |
7. Jenson | 507. Joron |
8. Jeffery | 508. Jubal |
9. Jermaine | 509. Joshuah |
10. Javon | 510. Jontae |
11. Josias | 511. Jerron |
12. Jet | 512. Jeovani |
13. Jelani | 513. Jedd |
14. Jethro | 514. Jeramee |
15. Jackie | 515. Jarod |
16. Jadon | 516. Janson |
17. Jamar | 517. Jalin |
18. Jeriah | 518. Jabez |
19. Johnnie | 519. Jarran |
20. Jaylon | 520. Jerrill |
21. Jonathon | 521. Jary |
22. Jordi | 522. Jascha |
23. Jovan | 523. Jerryl |
24. Jacobi | 524. Jorrel |
25. Jennings | 525. Jonni |
26. Jaleel | 526. Janssen |
27. Josh | 527. Justen |
28. Jarvis | 528. Jonte |
29. Judd | 529. Jesper |
30. Johnathon | 530. Jarett |
31. Justyce | 531. Jachin |
32. Jacey | 532. Jennesis |
33. Jaydon | 533. Juvenal |
34. Joni | 534. Jove |
35. Jarrett | 535. Jorel |
36. Jamel | 536. Jobe |
37. Jed | 537. Jiannis |
38. Jaquan | 538. Jamon |
39. Joao | 539. Jalal |
40. Johann | 540. Jafar |
41. Jadyn | 541. Jaeger |
42. Jamil | 542. Jabir |
43. Jayvon | 543. Jonnie |
44. Josef | 544. Jaan |
45. Jacobo | 545. Justis |
46. Janna | 546. Justino |
47. Jorden | 547. Jarek |
48. Jody | 548. Japhet |
49. Jan | 549. Jaedon |
50. Jaron | 550. Jamaine |
51. Junie | 551. Jabar |
52. Jedediah | 552. Julee |
53. James | 553. Janis |
54. Jack | 554. Jaimie |
55. Jackson | 555. Jermain |
56. Jacob | 556. Jurgen |
57. John | 557. Julyan |
58. Joseph | 558. Judsen |
59. Julian | 559. Juanito |
60. Jayden | 560. Johnie |
61. Josiah | 561. Jocko |
62. Jaxon | 562. Jerod |
63. Joshua | 563. Jenaro |
64. Jordan | 564. Javed |
65. Jonathan | 565. Jamiel |
66. Jameson | 566. Jago |
67. Jeremiah | 567. Jabin |
68. Jose | 568. Jabbar |
69. Jace | 569. Jerard |
70. Jaxson | 570. Johanan |
71. Jasper | 571. Jermayne |
72. Jade | 572. Jorian |
73. Jason | 573. Joren |
74. Jonah | 574. Johnston |
75. Jude | 575. Jivan |
76. Jayce | 576. Jordie |
77. Juan | 577. Jinan |
78. Jesus | 578. Jessamyn |
79. Justin | 579. Jeromy |
80. Judah | 580. Jericko |
81. Jesse | 581. Jeren |
82. Joel | 582. Jaco |
83. June | 583. Juma |
84. Jordyn | 584. Juanluis |
85. Jett | 585. Josephus |
86. Jeremy | 586. Jos |
87. Jax | 587. Joby |
88. Javier | 588. Jimin |
89. Journey | 589. Jerrett |
90. Jorge | 590. Jerred |
91. Jensen | 591. Jeric |
92. Jaylen | 592. Jeramy |
93. Jaden | 593. Jeramie |
94. Jocelyn | 594. Jeovany |
95. Joaquin | 595. Jasin |
96. Josue | 596. Jarrel |
97. Julius | 597. Jarin |
98. Jake | 598. Jaquille |
99. Jay | 599. Jamelle |
100. Jamie | 600. Jaisen |
101. Justice | 601. Jacque |
102. Jared | 602. Jacq |
103. Jaiden | 603. Jorje |
104. Jeffrey | 604. Jerrold |
105. Johnny | 605. Jermane |
106. Johnathan | 606. Jereme |
107. Jase | 607. Jerardo |
108. Jamison | 608. Jayar |
109. Jalen | 609. Jaray |
110. Jonas | 610. Janek |
111. Jaime | 611. Jalan |
112. Jayson | 612. Jader |
113. Jamari | 613. Jamee |
114. Jessie | 614. Josslin |
115. Julien | 615. Joli |
116. Julie | 616. Junot |
117. Julio | 617. Jonis |
118. Johan | 618. Jessey |
119. Jenesis | 619. Jeryl |
120. Joey | 620. Jerrico |
121. Jada | 621. Jerman |
122. Jaylin | 622. Jerek |
123. Joziah | 623. Jere |
124. Jefferson | 624. Jeno |
125. Jaycee | 625. Jedrick |
126. Jerry | 626. Jaryd |
127. Junior | 627. Janse |
128. Jagger | 628. Jansson |
129. Jimmy | 629. Jantien |
130. Jesiah | 630. Januario |
131. Joe | 631. Januarius |
132. Jedidiah | 632. Jarmil |
133. Jon | 633. Jaq |
134. Jericho | 634. Jardine |
135. Jakob | 635. Jarlaith |
136. Joyce | 636. Jarlath |
137. Jamal | 637. Jarle |
138. Jones | 638. Jarleath |
139. Judson | 639. Jarmann |
140. Jacoby | 640. Jarogniew |
141. Jillian | 641. Jaromierz |
142. Jovanni | 642. Jaromil |
143. Jabari | 643. Jaropelk |
144. Jovi | 644. Jarrall |
145. Jair | 645. Jarvee |
146. Jeremias | 646. Jarvey |
147. Jordy | 647. Javiero |
148. Jayde | 648. Jawaharlal |
149. Jubilee | 649. Jayakrishna |
150. Jupiter | 650. Jayelan |
151. Jaxen | 651. Jayelen |
152. Jairo | 652. Jay Jay |
153. Juan Carlos | 653. Jayvern |
154. Jacques | 654. Jayronn |
155. Jianni | 655. Jean Auguste |
156. Jimmie | 656. Jean Baptiste |
157. Jamia | 657. Jean Claude |
158. Jaysen | 658. Jean Georges |
159. Jaroslav | 659. Jean Jacques |
160. Jaylan | 660. Jean Louis |
161. Jessi | 661. Jean Luc |
162. Jaeden | 662. Jean Marie |
163. Jin | 663. Jeannot |
164. Job | 664. Jean Paul |
165. Jeff | 665. Jean Pierre |
166. Jonatan | 666. Jeavan |
167. Jakub | 667. Jeavin |
168. Jae | 668. Jeetendra |
169. Judge | 669. Jaidin |
170. Jeronimo | 670. Junius |
171. Jayven | 671. Jorgen |
172. Jaide | 672. Jorey |
173. Jovany | 673. Joram |
174. Jacen | 674. Jontez |
175. Jareth | 675. Jessup |
176. Jovanny | 676. Jerren |
177. Jairus | 677. Jerrel |
178. Jordin | 678. Jerelle |
179. Jayme | 679. Jered |
180. Jodi | 680. Jenkins |
181. Javonte | 681. Jehan |
182. Jamaal | 682. Jeaven |
183. Jaice | 683. Jaspar |
184. Jaycen | 684. Jarron |
185. Jori | 685. Jarrin |
186. Johnson | 686. Jarrah |
187. Jalil | 687. Jaquin |
188. Jun | 688. Jantzen |
189. Jessy | 689. Jann |
190. Jodie | 690. Jamaul |
191. Jory | 691. Jama |
192. Jethroe | 692. Jailon |
193. Jemmie | 693. Jaidev |
194. Jayci | 694. Jahmal |
195. Juanpablo | 695. Jahdai |
196. Jeth | 696. Jacson |
197. Joab | 697. Jacobus |
198. Jamarcus | 698. Jacian |
199. Jo | 699. Jacek |
200. Jordon | 700. Jorell |
201. Javi | 701. Joiner |
202. Jansen | 702. Jerrad |
203. Jevon | 703. Jereck |
204. Jaydee | 704. Janzen |
205. Jeffries | 705. Janus |
206. Jim | 706. Jamael |
207. Jarell | 707. Justan |
208. Jahan | 708. Jacinth |
209. Jazz | 709. Jomei |
210. Jerimiah | 710. Jerone |
211. Jonny | 711. Jemal |
212. Johannes | 712. Jedadiah |
213. Jerroll | 713. Jasmeet |
214. Jimbo | 714. Jailin |
215. Joyner | 715. Jeanmarie |
216. Jaren | 716. Jagannath |
217. Jefford | 717. Jaap |
218. Johnn | 718. Jabesh |
219. Jomal | 719. Jabr |
220. Jozef | 720. Jacenty |
221. Jowell | 721. Jach |
222. Jaycey | 722. Jachim |
223. Joesph | 723. Jacindo |
224. Johon | 724. Jacko |
225. Joran | 725. Jacomus |
226. Joachim | 726. Jacqin |
227. Jarad | 727. Jacques Ives |
228. Jazzmen | 728. Jacquet |
229. Jahi | 729. Jagadis |
230. Jagur | 730. Jagu |
231. Jaran | 731. Jaillen |
232. Jie | 732. Jaillin |
233. Jorgan | 733. Jaimini |
234. Jeroen | 734. Jainendra |
235. Justain | 735. Jairaj |
236. Jani | 736. Jairome |
237. Jaliyl | 737. Jakeh |
238. Jareb | 738. Jaladi |
239. Jarryd | 739. Jallal |
240. Jasun | 740. Jamesie |
241. Joben | 741. Jamie Lee |
242. Jyles | 742. Jamsey |
243. Jaromir | 743. Jancsi |
244. Javaughn | 744. Janesh |
245. Jasen | 745. Janez |
246. Jarren | 746. Janiusz |
247. Jamarr | 747. Jano |
248. Jacksen | 748. Jefferies |
249. Jarryl | 749. Jeffers |
250. Jimmey | 750. Jeffersson |
251. Jermyn | 751. Jeladhi |
252. Jerrod | 752. Jehoiakim |
253. Jeremie | 753. Jehoiakin |
254. Jimi | 754. Jehoioachim |
255. Jaason | 755. Jeladi |
256. Jeffey | 756. Jelal |
257. Jeriel | 757. Jellal |
258. Juliano | 758. Jelle |
259. Joaquim | 759. Jemaal |
260. Johari | 760. Jemahl |
261. Juneau | 761. Jemall |
262. Joesiah | 762. Jenarius |
263. Jediah | 763. Jenkin |
264. Jamin | 764. Jenkyn |
265. Jak | 765. Jenkyns |
266. Johnte | 766. Jephry |
267. Jakeb | 767. Jennaro |
268. Joell | 768. Jib |
269. Javan | 769. J’onn |
270. Jess | 770. Ji-ah |
271. July | 771. Ji-woo |
272. Jerrell | 772. Ji-ho |
273. Jakeem | 773. Jong-woo |
274. Jerald | 774. Joo-won |
275. Jarrod | 775. Jun-seo |
276. Jamieson | 776. Jae-young |
277. Jaymes | 777. Ji-hoon |
278. Jacky | 778. Jung-woo |
279. Jamey | 779. Jun-young |
280. Jona | 780. Jun-suh |
281. Jalyn | 781. Jintao |
282. Jaymie | 782. Jigo |
283. Jomar | 783. Jiji |
284. Jaythan | 784. Jianyu |
285. Jaison | 785. Jilpa |
286. Jarl | 786. Jingyuan |
287. Jaye | 787. Jaxith |
288. Jef | 788. Jaakko |
289. Jorie | 789. Jussi |
290. Jeshua | 790. Jyri |
291. Japheth | 791. Jandamarra |
292. Jameel | 792. Jiemba |
293. Jakson | 793. Jagachandra |
294. Joss | 794. Jagr |
295. Jari | 795. Jaskier |
296. Jewell | 796. Jar Jar |
297. Jacy | 797. Jabba |
298. Jefery | 798. Jingyi |
299. Jaimison | 799. Jiahao |
300. Justyn | 800. John |
301. Juel | 801. Jormungandr |
302. Jian | 802. Jiminy |
303. Juri | 803. Jokull |
304. Juley | 804. Joriz |
305. Jonathyn | 805. Joaqui |
306. Judas | 806. Jejomar |
307. Jerrick | 807. Jadiel |
308. Jarrell | 808. Jakai |
309. Jourdan | 809. Jakari |
310. Justiniano | 810. Jakobe |
311. Jourdain | 811. Jamir |
312. Jaja | 812. Jasiah |
313. Juwan | 813. Jaxton |
314. Jovon | 814. Jaxtyn |
315. Jeovanni | 815. Jaxx |
316. Jehu | 816. Jaxxon |
317. Jemarr | 817. Jayceon |
318. Jevan | 818. Jaziel |
319. Jordell | 819. Jiraiya |
320. Jens | 820. Jistu |
321. Jeffry | 821. Junaluska |
322. Jacinto | 822. Jhamar |
323. Jaroslaw | 823. Jevaun |
324. Juda | 824. Javel |
325. Johntay | 825. Jaharie |
326. Jimson | 826. Jahmar |
327. Jaydy | 827. Jahkai |
328. Jehovah | 828. Jahlani |
329. Jerett | 829. Jodeci |
330. Jeven | 830. João |
331. Jordaan | 831. José |
332. Jimar | 832. Jenshian |
333. Jerrome | 833. Jensson |
334. Jarrid | 834. Jentian |
335. Jorim | 835. Jeoffroi |
336. Jahiro | 836. Jeoffrol |
337. Joselito | 837. Jeorg |
338. Jaimey | 838. Jephers |
339. Jillean | 839. Jepherson |
340. Jennett | 840. Jephrey |
341. Jeffie | 841. Jepp |
342. Jean-Michel | 842. Jerack |
343. Jerric | 843. Jeraint |
344. Josceline | 844. Jerall |
345. Joash | 845. Jerant |
346. Jerick | 846. Jerarrd |
347. Jeb | 847. Jeremieh |
348. Junichi | 848. Jeremija |
349. Jarred | 849. Jeroboam |
350. Jarah | 850. Jeril |
351. Jaelin | 851. Jermin |
352. Jacin | 852. Jernayn |
353. Jaques | 853. Jeroll |
354. Justinian | 854. Jeromo |
355. Jayant | 855. Jeronimus |
356. Jeraldo | 856. Jerriq |
357. Joffrey | 857. Jerrot |
358. Jorma | 858. Jerrott |
359. Jerah | 859. Jervey |
360. Jodey | 860. Jesekijel |
361. Jeffree | 861. Jesimiel |
362. Jordain | 862. Jesous |
363. Jerre | 863. Jevrem |
364. Jarrott | 864. Jessimiel |
365. Jaryl | 865. Jevstachi |
366. Jotham | 866. Jevvan |
367. Joushua | 867. Jevven |
368. Jannik | 868. Jevvin |
369. Jock | 869. Jevvyn |
370. Jame | 870. Jezdimir |
371. Jarid | 871. Jezus |
372. Jerad | 872. Jherico |
373. Jeran | 873. Jimahl |
374. Jerrard | 874. Jimarr |
375. Jerrid | 875. Jimenes |
376. Jey | 876. Jimmee |
377. Jing | 877. Jioke |
378. Jinx | 878. Jitendra |
379. Jonn | 879. J.J. |
380. Joris | 880. Joacheim |
381. Jovann | 881. Joannes |
382. Janan | 882. Jochem |
383. Jarvell | 883. Jockey |
384. Jorn | 884. Jockie |
385. Jasonna | 885. Jodocus |
386. Joemar | 886. Joep |
387. Jaffar | 887. Joeri |
388. Jamile | 888. John-Carlo |
389. Jammal | 889. John David |
390. Jarrad | 890. John-Michael |
391. Jerrah | 891. John-Patrick |
392. Janusz | 892. John-Paul |
393. Jarard | 893. Johns |
394. Jong | 894. Johnty |
395. Jerzy | 895. Johoiachin |
396. Jacopo | 896. Joke |
397. Joed | 897. Jomahl |
398. Johrdan | 898. Jomall |
399. Jarrot | 899. Jonasco |
400. Jonson | 900. Jonasz |
401. Johar | 901. Jon-Carlo |
402. Jakie | 902. Jon-Corey |
403. Janak | 903. Jon-David |
404. Jarrard | 904. Jon-Luke |
405. Jerrald | 905. Jon-Paul |
406. Jimenez | 906. Jontell |
407. Jalenn | 907. Joop |
408. Jereth | 908. Joos |
409. Jorman | 909. Joost |
410. Jemmy | 910. Jophrey |
411. Jannai | 911. Jorck |
412. Jarman | 912. Jordaine |
413. Jawdat | 913. Jordao |
414. Jeffy | 914. Jorre |
415. Jino | 915. Joseito |
416. Jiles | 916. Josquin |
417. Jerell | 917. Jourdaine |
418. Jeptha | 918. Jovanney |
419. Jaryn | 919. Jovanno |
420. Jakim | 920. Jovica |
421. Jaelon | 921. Jovito |
422. Jaelan | 922. Jozua |
423. Jadan | 923. Juan Hugo |
424. Jabes | 924. Juano |
425. Jerold | 925. Judoc |
426. Jefferey | 926. Jugoslav |
427. Jaris | 927. Juha |
428. Janos | 928. Juhana |
429. Jud | 929. Julianus |
430. Josua | 930. Juliusz |
431. Jazon | 931. Junio |
432. Jamond | 932. Juppiter |
433. Jamahl | 933. Juraj |
434. Jowan | 934. Jurek |
435. Jospeh | 935. Jurik |
436. Jerrin | 936. Just |
437. Jerrik | 937. Justinas |
438. Jefry | 938. Justinius |
439. Jedrek | 939. Justinus |
440. Jasyn | 940. Juul |
441. Jarret | 941. Jvalant |
442. Jamis | 942. Ja |
443. Jamill | 943. Jeh |
444. Jamall | 944. Jadranko |
445. Jackman | 945. Jehohanan |
446. Josia | 946. Joaquim |
447. Jeston | 947. Ju |
448. Josep | 948. Juozas |
449. Jonathen | 949. Jae-Seong |
450. Jemar | 950. Jermaine |
451. Jule | 951. Jody |
452. Jervis | 952. Juanito |
453. Josif | 953. Jupp |
454. Jerryd | 954. Jago |
455. Jumaane | 955. Jessie |
456. Jerae | 956. Jerrey |
457. Jagjit | 957. Jaagup |
458. Jarreth | 958. JaMarcus |
459. Joffre | 959. Jian |
460. Jaronn | 960. Jorge |
461. Janne | 961. Juha |
462. Jarick | 962. Jabbar |
463. Jovonni | 963. Jameson |
464. Jiro | 964. Jimeno |
465. Jestin | 965. José |
466. Jerico | 966. Julek |
467. Jarius | 967. Jabez |
468. Josephe | 968. Jaquan |
469. Jacan | 969. Jingyi |
470. Jeramey | 970. Jouni |
471. Jacki | 971. Jules |
472. Justo | 972. Jabril |
473. Jeron | 973. Jareth |
474. Jeremia | 974. Jiří |
475. Jedaiah | 975. Jowan |
476. Jayron | 976. Julij |
477. Jamell | 977. Jacenty |
478. Jalon | 978. Jeffry |
479. Jadrian | 979. Ji-Soo |
480. Jem | 980. Jozo |
481. Joycelynn | 981. Jung |
482. Jerri | 982. Joeri |
483. Jovin | 983. Jubal |
484. Jevin | 984. Jure |
485. Jerel | 985. Jaime |
486. Jarel | 986. Jewel |
487. Jacksyn | 987. Johnny |
488. Jimal | 988. Juda |
489. Jerrall | 989. Jairus |
490. Jerriel | 990. Jezza |
491. Janko | 991. Jörg |
492. Jolyon | 992. Judas |
493. Jorrell | 993. Jyrki |
494. Jerrie | 994. Jorry |
495. Jakov | 995. Juste |
496. Jayvee | 996. Jango |
497. Jeffrie | 997. Joaozinho |
498. Jesstin | 998. Jonatas |
499. Jordane | 999. Jorginho |
500. Jeremiya | 1000. Júlio |
Popular Boy Names That Start with J
1. Jedi | 96. Johnavan |
2. Joban | 97. Jacinto |
3. Jaalib | 98. Jarrick |
4. Jardin | 99. Jenaro |
5. Jedidiah | 100. Johnel |
6. Jobe | 101. Jack |
7. Jaareh | 102. Jarrod |
8. Jariath | 103. Jencin |
9. Jedrick | 104. Johnpaul |
10. Joceran | 105. Jackhenry |
11. Jaazaniah | 106. Jarron |
12. Jarish | 107. Jency |
13. Jedrus | 108. Johnray |
14. Jockie | 109. Jackson |
15. Jabari | 110. Jarrott |
16. Jarlath | 111. Jenkin |
17. Jedrzej | 112. Johnrick |
18. Jodari | 113. Jacky |
19. Jabarie | 114. Jaruman |
20. Jarle | 115. Jenner |
21. Jeff | 116. Johnson |
22. Jodie | 117. Jaco |
23. Jabbie | 118. Jarvis |
24. Jarman | 119. Jennings |
25. Jefford | 120. Johnston |
26. Joe | 121. Jacob |
27. Jabdiel | 122. Jary |
28. Jarn | 123. Jennis |
29. Jeffrey | 124. Johntel |
30. Joel | 125. Jacobson |
31. Jaber | 126. Jaryn |
32. Jarnu | 127. Jennison |
33. Jeffries | 128. Johny |
34. Joelle | 129. Jacobus |
35. Ja’Mere | 130. Jasal |
36. Jaquan | 131. Jenoah |
37. Jecht | 132. Joie |
38. Joaquin | 133. Jacoby |
39. Jaac | 134. Jascha |
40. Jarad | 135. Jens |
41. Jed | 136. Jojo |
42. Joash | 137. Jacomo |
43. Jaagup | 138. Jash |
44. Jaran | 139. Jensen |
45. Jedaiah | 140. Joko |
46. Job | 141. Jacory |
47. Jaah | 142. Jashawn |
48. Jardan | 143. Jenton |
49. Jabez | 144. Jokull |
50. Jarod | 145. Jacques |
51. Jeffy | 146. Jashik |
52. Joen | 147. Jeong |
53. Jabier | 148. Jolie |
54. Jarom | 149. Jacqueson |
55. Jefri | 150. Jasiah |
56. Joern | 151. Jeordie |
57. Jabilo | 152. Jolly |
58. Jaromil | 153. Jacquez |
59. Jehelleman | 154. Jasiel |
60. Joey | 155. Jepherson |
61. Jabraylon | 156. Jolyon |
62. Jaromir | 157. Jacqui |
63. Jehoichin | 158. Jasir |
64. Joff | 159. Jeanmarie |
65. Jabril | 160. Jomei |
66. Jaron | 161. Jacquotte |
67. Jehu | 162. Jason |
68. Joffrey | 163. Jedd |
69. Jabus | 164. Jonah |
70. Jaroslav | 165. Jacus |
71. Jeison | 166. Jaspal |
72. Johanan | 167. Jeebyam |
73. Jacai | 168. Jonas |
74. Jaroslaw | 169. Jacy |
75. Jejomar | 170. Jaspen |
76. Johann | 171. Jeevandeep |
77. Jace | 172. Jonathan |
78. Jarrad | 173. Jad |
79. Jelani | 174. Jasper |
80. Johannes | 175. Jeram |
81. Jacean | 176. Joniel |
82. Jarran | 177. Jada |
83. Jelle | 178. Jaspreet |
84. Johanson | 179. Jershon |
85. Jacek | 180. Jonte |
86. Jarreau | 181. Jadallah |
87. Jem | 182. Jassem |
88. Joher | 183. Jesh |
89. Jachin | 184. Jonty |
90. Jarrel | 185. Jadan |
91. Jemon | 186. Jasvir |
92. John | 187. Jessey |
93. Jachym | 188. Joon |
94. Jarret | 189. Jade |
95. Jemuel | 190. Jatin |
Cool Boy Names That Start with J
1. Jahid | 76. Jove |
2. Jayston | 77. Jaired |
3. Jerrison | 78. Jagjeev |
4. Jospeh | 79. Jeton |
5. Jahir | 80. Jovi |
6. Jaziel | 81. Jairo |
7. Jerrod | 82. Jaheer |
8. Joss | 83. Jevonte |
9. Jahkai | 84. Jovon |
10. Jazz | 85. Jairus |
11. Jerron | 86. Jahsh |
12. Jossy | 87. Jewell |
13. Jahlil | 88. Joy |
14. Jaafar | 89. Jaithan |
15. Jerry | 90. Jaichanda |
16. Jostein | 91. Jezek |
17. Jahseh | 92. Joyce |
18. Jaala | 93. Jaivala |
19. Jersey | 94. Jaigopala |
20. Jostin | 95. Jhett |
21. Jahusa | 96. Joziah |
22. Jaanesh | 97. Jaivant |
23. Jervaine | 98. Jaiman |
24. Josue | 99. Jiacobbe |
25. Jahzeel | 100. Jozsua |
26. Jabar | 101. Jaiveer |
27. Jeshaiah | 102. Jaisudhan |
28. Jotham | 103. Jian |
29. Jaice | 104. Jozy |
30. Jabraan | 105. Jajuan |
31. Jeshan | 106. Jaivanta |
32. Joud | 107. Jibril |
33. Jaidev | 108. Jrue |
34. Jackob | 109. Janagan |
35. Jess | 110. Jhoshil |
36. Joules | 111. Judd |
37. Jaidon | 112. Jaksh |
38. Jadranko | 113. Jandev |
39. Jessel | 114. Jickson |
40. Jouni | 115. Jude |
41. Jailesh | 116. Jakuas |
42. Jadwal | 117. Jango |
43. Jessie | 118. Jigishu |
44. Jourdaine | 119. Judea |
45. Jaimie | 120. Jaladhir |
46. Jafar | 121. Janith |
47. Jagrav | 122. Jimbo |
48. Jaylen | 123. Judson |
49. Jerren | 124. Jalal |
50. Josiah | 125. Japana |
51. Jagroop | 126. Jakai |
52. Jaylend | 127. Jakoh |
53. Jerrett | 128. Jidenn |
54. Josias | 129. Juan |
55. Jahcere | 130. Jakarius |
56. Jaylon | 131. Jalbhushan |
57. Jerric | 132. Jiei |
58. Joska | 133. Juancho |
59. Jaheem | 134. Jakarri |
60. Jayron | 135. Jalpan |
61. Jerriel | 136. Jiggs |
62. Josmil | 137. Juanpablo |
63. Jestin | 138. Jake |
64. Journey | 139. Jaman |
65. Jair | 140. Jhanish |
66. Jagaday | 141. Jubal |
67. Jesus | 142. Jakob |
68. Jovan | 143. Jamiel |
69. Jairaj | 144. Jhawar |
70. Jagatroop | 145. Judah |
71. Jetal | 146. Jakodi |
72. Jovanni | 147. Jamison |
73. Jairath | 148. Jhiraagh |
74. Jagger | 149. Judas |
75. Jethro | 150. Jakov |
Cute Boy Names That Start with J
1. Jamal | 63. Justus |
2. Jett | 64. Janmay |
3. Jevon | 65. Jayvant |
4. Jimmy | 66. Jindrich |
5. Joaquin | 67. Juvenal |
6. Joby | 68. Jan-Michael |
7. Jody | 69. Jazib |
8. Jace | 70. Jinx |
9. Jack | 71. Juvencio |
10. Jackson | 72. Janne |
11. Jacob | 73. Jean |
12. Jaden | 74. Jionni |
13. Jadon | 75. Juventino |
14. Jagger | 76. Janon |
15. Jaiden | 77. Jean-Francois |
16. Jaime | 78. Jiraiya |
17. Jalen | 79. Juwaan |
18. Joel | 80. Janos |
19. Joey | 81. Jean-Pierre |
20. Jameson | 82. Jirou |
21. Jamie | 83. Jxtyn |
22. Jan | 84. Janosch |
23. Jancarlo | 85. Jeanus |
24. Jansen | 86. Joab |
25. Jarek | 87. Jye |
26. Jaren | 88. Janusz |
27. Jared | 89. Jeb |
28. Jaret | 90. Joan |
29. Jarin | 91. Jyler |
30. Jaron | 92. Japhet |
31. Jarrett | 93. Jebediah |
32. Jarvis | 94. Joaozinho |
33. Jayachand | 95. Jyri |
34. Jiles | 96. Jase |
35. Jussi | 97. Jason |
36. Jandre | 98. Jasper |
37. Jayad | 99. Javen |
38. Jill | 100. Javier |
39. Justice | 101. Jaxon |
40. Jandro | 102. Jaxson |
41. Jayasankar | 103. Jaxton |
42. Jim | 104. Jay |
43. Justin | 105. Jayce |
44. Janel | 106. Jayden |
45. Jaydyn | 107. Jaydon |
46. Jimelle | 108. Jaylen |
47. Justino | 109. Jaymes |
48. Janez | 110. Jax |
49. Jaylin | 111. Jazer |
50. Jimin | 112. Jean |
51. Justinus | 113. Jed |
52. Jang | 114. Jedidiah |
53. Jaymin | 115. Jefferson |
54. Jimiyu | 116. Jeffery |
55. Justis | 117. Jeffrey |
56. Janison | 118. Jenson |
57. Jaynish | 119. Jeremy |
58. Jimmy | 120. Jerome |
59. Justo | 121. Jerry |
60. Janjot | 122. Jesse |
61. Jaysdht | 123. Jesus |
62. Jinan |
Classy Boy Names That Start with J
1. Jeyaram | 56. Jawn |
2. Jooseppi | 57. Jergus |
3. Jadel | 58. Jorvik |
4. Jaume | 59. Jaetyn |
5. Jephtah | 60. Jax |
6. Jophiel | 61. Jeric |
7. Jaden | 62. Josan |
8. Jaune | 63. Jaevior |
9. Jeppe | 64. Jaxen |
10. Jopie | 65. Jericho |
11. Jadhav | 66. Jose |
12. Javan | 67. Jafeth |
13. Jerald | 68. Jaxon |
14. Jorahan | 69. Jeriel |
15. Jadiel | 70. Joseantonio |
16. Javaughn | 71. Jagadeeshwar |
17. Jeraldo | 72. Jaxton |
18. Jordan | 73. Jerker |
19. Jadilhaqq | 74. Joselito |
20. Javen | 75. Jagan |
21. Jeran | 76. Jaxtyn |
22. Jordao | 77. Jermaine |
23. Jadon | 78. Joseluis |
24. Javier | 79. Jaganbir |
25. Jerande | 80. Jay |
26. Jordin | 81. Jermal |
27. Jadrian | 82. Josemanuel |
28. Javiero | 83. Jaganmay |
29. Jerard | 84. Jay’Ceon |
30. Jordy | 85. Jeroen |
31. Jadriel | 86. Josemaria |
32. Javin | 87. Jaganmitra |
33. Jere | 88. Jaybin |
34. Jorge | 89. Jerome |
35. Jadwiga | 90. Joseph |
36. Javion | 91. Jagavanta |
37. Jereme | 92. Jayce |
38. Jorgen | 93. Jerommeke |
39. Jadzia | 94. Josephus |
40. Javis | 95. Jagdeo |
41. Jeremiah | 96. Jaycee |
42. Jorginho | 97. Jeromy |
43. Jae | 98. Josh |
44. Javob | 99. Jager |
45. Jeremija | 100. Jaydden |
46. Jorma | 101. Jeronimo |
47. Jaecar | 102. Joshua |
48. Javon | 103. Jagjeet |
49. Jeremy | 104. Jaye |
50. Jorn | 105. Jerrall |
51. Jae-Dynn | 106. Joshwa |
52. Jawaun | 107. Jagmohan |
53. Jeret | 108. Jaylan |
54. Jorryn | 109. Jerram |
55. Jael | 110. Joshy |
Unique Boy Names That Start with J
1. Jameer | 31. Jediah |
2. Jamian | 32. Jeet |
3. Jamieson | 33. Jeovanni |
4. Jamison | 34. Jerick |
5. Jancarlo | 35. Jeriel |
6. Jandiel | 36. Jermell |
7. Jandre | 37. Jermiah |
8. Jano | 38. Jerrico |
9. Jaquez | 39. Jesper |
10. Jarid | 40. Jessiah |
11. Jarin | 41. Jet |
12. Jarius | 42. Jevin |
13. Jarmal | 43. Jabari |
14. Jarrin | 44. Jacian |
15. Jaryd | 45. Jadien |
16. Jaskirat | 46. Jadrian |
17. Jassim | 47. Jaeden |
18. Javen | 48. Jaffar |
19. Javien | 49. Jahanvi |
20. Jax | 50. Jairus |
21. Jaxin | 51. Jaisaac |
22. Jaxsen | 52. Jaise |
23. Jayceon | 53. Jajuan |
24. Jaykob | 54. Jakobie |
25. Jaythan | 55. Jakson |
26. Jayvier | 56. Jalan |
27. Jayvin | 57. Jalen |
28. Jayvion | 58. Jamaal |
29. Jayvon | 59. Jamahl |
30. Jazper | 60. Jamarr |
Modern Boy Names That Start with J
1. Jamir | 74. Jevin |
2. Jansen | 75. Jhase |
3. Jaquan | 76. Jireh |
4. Jariel | 77. Joah |
5. Jaronn | 78. Jalil |
6. Jarren | 79. Jamari |
7. Jaryn | 80. Jamel |
8. Jasen | 81. Jameson |
9. Jashawn | 82. Jamil |
10. Javen | 83. Jamin |
11. Javi | 84. Javon |
12. Javian | 85. Jaxen |
13. Javien | 86. Jaxiel |
14. Jaceon | 87. Jaxon |
15. Jadiel | 88. Jaxson |
16. Jahari | 89. Jayceon |
17. Jaheim | 90. Jaycob |
18. Jairon | 91. Jayden |
19. Jairo | 92. Jaylen |
20. Jaisen | 93. Jaylon |
21. Jakai | 94. Jayson |
22. Jakari | 95. Jazz |
23. Jalen | 96. Jazzon |
24. Jeremias | 97. Jedrick |
25. Jericho | 98. Jefri |
26. Jeriel | 99. Jelani |
27. Jermane | 100. Jemar |
28. Jerod | 101. Jenaro |
29. Jerron | 102. Jensen |
30. Jessen | 103. Jerald |
31. Jamarion | 104. Jalan |
32. Jashaketh | 105. Japnaam |
33. Joyendu | 106. Jival |
34. Julio | 107. Juhani |
35. Jamarreon | 108. Jaleel |
36. Jashn | 109. Jared |
37. Joze | 110. Jnatri |
38. Julius | 111. Juho |
39. Jambavan | 112. Jalex |
40. Jaskanwal | 113. Jaret |
41. Jozo | 114. Jnyandeep |
42. Juma | 115. Juju |
43. Jamel | 116. Jalon |
44. Jaswin | 117. Jarius |
45. Jucentius | 118. Joachim |
46. Junaid | 119. Jules |
47. Jameon | 120. Jalor |
48. Jataadhar | 121. Jasapal |
49. Jurayj | 122. Joakim |
50. James | 123. Julian |
51. Jataayu | 124. Jamar |
52. Jurji | 125. Jasaraja |
53. Jungkook | 126. Jogprakash |
54. Jameson | 127. Juliano |
55. Jatasila | 128. Jamarcus |
56. Juro | 129. Jasdayal |
57. Junichiro | 130. Jorey |
58. Jamey | 131. Juliek |
59. Jatindra | 132. June |
60. Juyal | 133. Junipero |
61. Junior | 134. Jamir |
62. Jamieson | 135. Javor |
63. Javonte | 136. Jwalanath |
64. Jvitesh | 137. Junius |
65. Junpei | 138. Jamis |
66. Jamoa | 139. Jawaheer |
67. Jawan | 140. Jwalapraksh |
68. Jwalin | 141. Janak |
69. Jurij | 142. Jaxyn |
70. Jamon | 143. Jyran |
71. Jawon | 144. Jush |
72. Jyotish | 145. Jando |
73. Jurodoe |
Traditional Boy Names That Start with J
1. Jake | 31. Johnnie |
2. Jamal | 32. Jonas |
3. Jamin | 33. Jonah |
4. Jared | 34. Joscelin |
5. Jarrett | 35. Josue |
6. Jasper | 36. Jerry |
7. Jay | 37. Jesse |
8. Jayce | 38. Jesus |
9. Jayden | 39. Joel |
10. Jaylen | 40. Johnathan |
11. Jayson | 41. Johnny |
12. Jed | 42. Jonas |
13. Jedediah | 43. Jonathan |
14. Jeffrey | 44. Jordan |
15. Jeramiah | 45. Josephus |
16. Jacob | 46. Josiah |
17. James | 47. Joshua |
18. John | 48. Jovanny |
19. Joseph | 49. Jude |
20. Jonathan | 50. Judson |
21. Joshua | 51. Julian |
22. Jack | 52. Julius |
23. Jason | 53. Junius |
24. Justin | 54. Justice |
25. Jared | 55. Justinian |
26. Jacoby | 56. Justus |
27. Jagger | 57. Jabez |
28. Jeremy | 58. Jerald |
29. Jerome | 59. Job |
30. Joel | 60. Jochebed |
Exotic Boy Names That Start with J
1. Janoah | 31. Jaylen |
2. Janus | 32. Jihun |
3. Jaques | 33. Jimari |
4. Jarah | 34. Jireh |
5. Jarlath | 35. Jivin |
6. Jarmo | 36. Joachim |
7. Jaromir | 37. Joaquín |
8. Jasiah | 38. Jaymin |
9. Javari | 39. Jayvion |
10. Javonte | 40. Jaziel |
11. Jaxel | 41. Jazper |
12. Jayant | 42. Jediah |
13. Jayavarman | 43. Jeferson |
14. Jayce | 44. Jelio |
15. Jaydan | 45. Jemuel |
16. Jayesh | 46. Jens |
17. Jacinto | 47. Jenson |
18. Jafar | 48. Jeovanny |
19. Jagger | 49. Jeremi |
20. Jahan | 50. Jerico |
21. Jahaziel | 51. Jeriel |
22. Jaidon | 52. Jerman |
23. Jailen | 53. Jermayne |
24. Jairo | 54. Jermyn |
25. Jalal | 55. Jesiah |
26. Jalil | 56. Jetmir |
27. Jamarion | 57. Jevon |
28. Jamiel | 58. Jibreel |
29. Jamieson | 59. Jinesh |
30. Janak | 60. Juergen |
Common Middle Boy Names That Start With J
1. Jaymes | 36. Jase |
2. Jaxxen | 37. Jair |
3. Jayden | 38. Jericho |
4. Joel | 39. Javan |
5. Jace | 40. Jaxen |
6. Justin | 41. Jaron |
7. Jeffrey | 42. Jeronimo |
8. Jared | 43. Jahir |
9. Jasper | 44. Jaeden |
10. Jonah | 45. Jamir |
11. Jett | 46. Jaylon |
12. Jensen | 47. Jai |
13. Jaxton | 48. Jaevion |
14. Jayceon | 49. Jairus |
15. James | 50. Jathan |
16. Joseph | 51. Jenson |
17. Jacob | 52. Jarett |
18. Jonathan | 53. Jhett |
19. Jackson | 54. Jesse |
20. Jason | 55. Jeremiah |
21. Julian | 56. Jaxon |
22. Jovani | 57. Jack |
23. Jaycob | 58. Jude |
24. Javen | 59. Jay |
25. Jarel | 60. Jalen |
26. Jarell | 61. Jorge |
27. Jaxin | 62. Jeremy |
28. Jaxzen | 63. Jonathon |
29. Jermaine | 64. Jaxson |
30. Jovanny | 65. Javion |
31. Jaron | 66. Jaxxon |
32. Jagger | 67. Jemuel |
33. Jaquan | 68. Jathan |
34. Jovany | 69. Jarek |
35. Jaziel | 70. Jaxtyn |
J Nicknames for Boys to Use as First Names
1. Josh | 26. Jude |
2. Jett | 27. Julian |
3. Jax | 28. Julius |
4. Jed | 29. Javan |
5. Jim | 30. Javier |
6. Jake | 31. Jayce |
7. Joss | 32. Jayden |
8. Joey | 33. Jedidiah |
9. Jinx | 34. Jeff |
10. Jem | 35. Jericho |
11. Jettson | 36. Jermaine |
12. Jetson | 37. Jettison |
13. Jace | 38. Jinxton |
14. Jay | 39. Joaquin |
15. Jeb | 40. Joby |
16. Jaden | 41. Joel |
17. Jagger | 42. Jonas |
18. Jalen | 43. Jonah |
19. Jasper | 44. Jordan |
20. Jaxson | 45. Jordy |
21. Jaxon | 46. Joren |
22. Jase | 47. Jorin |
23. Josiah | 48. Jorn |
24. Jove | 49. Joseph |
25. Judah | 50. Joshuah |
J Baby Boy Names and Meaning
1. Jared: This means (descent) in Hebrew. | 126. Jonan: A name of American origin, Jonan means (wolf.) |
2. Juel: With Middle English roots, this name means (a gift of the gab,) or the ability to persuade others effortlessly. | 127. Jameer: In Arabic, this name means (good-looking person.) |
3. Jean: This is Hebrew, meaning (God is gracious.) | 128. Japheth: Of Hebrew origins, this name means (beauty.) |
4. Jacko: This boy’s name is Hebrew for (he who supplants.) | 129. Jarvis: In Celtic, this name means (spear.) |
5. Jeh: This is German for (blue crested bird.) | 130. Jucal: This name is Hebrew and means (mighty, perfect.) |
6. Jemal: Derived from Hebrew roots, this name means (handsome.) | 131. Jubal: In Hebrew, this name means (ram.) |
7. Jeth: In old Hebrew, this means (eminent.) | 132. Jai: Of Indian origin, this name means (victory.) |
8. Joben: With Japanese roots, this name means (enjoy cleanness.) | 133. Jairus: In Hebrew, this means (God enlightens.) |
9. Jonas: This unique name is Hebrew for (dove.) | 134. Joatham: Of Israeli roots, this name means (perfection of the Lord.) |
10. Jorgan: Its Greek meaning comes from the word (farmer.) | 135. Janson: Of Ancient Greek origins, this name means (God is gracious.) |
11. Jhace: This name is Greek for (healing.) | 136. Jiovonni: In Italian, this name means (God is good.) |
12. Jove: This is of Latin origin meaning (father of the sky.) | 137. Jibril: This name means (strength from God) in Arabic. |
13. Jakome: This is of Basque origin and means (supplanter.) | 138. Jambres: Of Israeli history, this name means (rebel.) |
14. Jerry: Of English origin, this boy’s name means (ruling spear.) | 139. Jasher: In Hebrew, this name means (righteous.) |
15. Juro: This Japanese-inspired name means (best wishes, long life.) | 140. Johnson: Of English and Scottish origin, this means (son of John.) |
16. Justice: In English, this means (upright, just, righteous.) | 141. Jame: In Hebrew, this means (supplanter.) |
17. Joaquin: This is of Spanish origin and means (God will judge.) | 142. Joash: In Hebrew, this name means (God has given.) |
18. Johan: In Danish, this means (gift from God.) | 143. Julious: An alternative spelling to Julius, this name is Latin for (devoted to Jove.) |
19. Jari: Another Finnish name, this one mean (helmeted warrior.) | 144. Jozabad: This Hebrew name means (having a dowry.) |
20. Juan: This Spanish name means (God is gracious.) | 145. Juriel: While this name’s origin is unknown, it can be said that this name means (leader, intuitive, courageous.) |
21. Jae: This Korean name means (ability, talent.) | 146. Jorian: In Greek, this name means (farmer.) |
22. Jahi: Of African origin, this name means (dignified.) | 147. Javontae: Of American origins, this name means (Greece.) |
23. Jai: In Sanscrit, this name means (victory.) | 148. Joriel: In Hebrew, this name means (of God.) |
24. Joe: Of English roots, this classic boy’s name means (Jehovah increases.) | 149. Jahziel: Of Hebrew origins, this name means (allotted by God.) |
25. Jesus: This name is Hebrew for (God is my salvation.) | 150. Jakan: In Israeli, this name means (he that troubleth.) |
26. Julias: This name is Greek for (downy bearded.) | 151. Jesher: Of Hebrew roots, this name means (upright.) |
27. Jakob: This alternative spelling of Jacob is Hebrew for (he who supplants.) | 152. Jeshurun: In Israeli, this means (to see.) |
28. Joziah: Of Hebrew origin, this means (Jehovah helps.) | 153. Jesaiah: Of Hebrew origin, this name means (health or salvation.) |
29. Jad: This cool name is Arabic for (generous.) | 154. Jacquees: This name is French for (held by the heal.) |
30. Jairo: Of Spanish roots, this name means (he shines.) | 155. Jeremai: Of Hebrew roots, this name means (God will appoint.) |
31. Jamarion: This American name means (sparks and sea.) | 156. Jehosheba: In Hebrew, this means (fullness.) |
32. Jorge: In Spanish, this name means (farmer.) | 157. Jeroboam: From Hebrew roots, this name means (the people contend.) |
33. Jeremy: Of English medieval roots, this name means (lifted up or exalted by God.) | 158. Jacorey: This American name is a combination of Jacob and Corey, and means (best boy.) |
34. Jude: This is Hebrew for (praised.) | 159. Jecamiah: In Hebrew, this means the resurrection of the Lord.) |
35. Jameison: Jameison is a variant of James and can mean (son of James.) | 160. Juday: In Hindu, this means (one who possesses wisdom.) |
36. Jaylen: This modern American name with a spelling variation from Jalen. | 161. Jackman: With British roots, this name means (God is gracious.) |
37. Jagger: It’s British for (one who cuts.) | 162. Juanico: In Hebrew, this means (He who Jehovah has favoured.) |
38. Joey: Its Hebrew meaning is (Jehovah increases.) | 163. Jaydev: Of Indian roots, this name means (God of victory.) |
39. Jethro: This name is Hebrew for (eminent.) | 164. Jawad: In Arabic, this name means (generous and merciful.) |
40. Judd: Judd is of English origin meaning (to flow down.) | 165. Jomariel: This name is French and conjures (charisma and determination.) |
41. Jody: Its Hebrew meaning is (of Judea.) | 166. Johnael: Of Hebrew origin, this name means (God is gracious.) |
42. Jonatan: Derived from Hebrew origin, this name means (gift of God.) | 167. Johaan: This name’s main origin is Kerala and it means (stable) and (calm.) |
43. Juliano: This Roman name means (youthful.) | 168. Japhia: In Hebrew, this name means (enlightening.) |
44. Jesse: Of Hebrew origin meaning (gift.) | 169. Jigme: This name is Tibetan for (fearless.) |
45. Jace: This unique name is American for (to heal.) | 170. Jonael: In Spanish, this name means (dove of God.) |
46. Janesh: This is Sanskrit for (leader of the people.) | 171. Jiang: This name is Chinese for (river.) |
47. Janna: In Hebrew, this name means (flourishing.) | 172. Jaleel: In Arabic, this name means (loyal.) |
48. Johannes: This name is Hebrew for (God is gracious.) | 173. Jalal: Of Armenian origin, this name means (greatness.) |
49. Jules: This cool name is French for (youthful.) | 174. Jenoah: This is Hebrew for (peace.) |
50. Jermaine: Of Latin origin, this name means (brother.) | 175. Jannik: In Dutch, this means (God is gracious.) |
51. Johnnie: This classic boy’s name is Hebrew for (God is gracious.) | 176. Jaron: In Hebrew, this means (city of rejoicing.) |
52. Jarvis: This name is English for (spearman.) | 177. Jentry: Of English origin, this name is associated with (nobility.) |
53. Jaison: This name is Greek for (healing.) | 178. Jakobe: This is an Americanized version of Jacob and means (of the heel.) |
54. Joss: This name is Hebrew for (Jehovah is salvation.) | 179. Jehiel: In Hebrew, this means (may God live.) |
55. Jere: This is Finnish for (exalted of the Lord.) | 180. Jedi: Of Hebrew origin, this name means (beloved by God.) |
56. Jaise: With Latin origins, this name means (just.) | 181. Jaxx: Of English roots, this boy’s name means (son of Jack.) |
57. Jairus: This name is Hebrew for (God enlightens.) | 182. Jorgito: This is Spanish for (earth-worker.) |
58. Jaziah: This is Hebrew for (God helps.) | 183. Joud: In Arabic, this name means (generosity towards others.) |
59. Judaea: This name is of English origin and means (Land of The Descendants of Judah.) | 184. Jackson: Of English origin, this name literally means (son of Jack.) |
60. Jadiel: This Hebrew originating name means (one who will judge.) | 185. Justin: Of Latin origin, this name is translated to (just) or (fair.) |
61. Jachin: This biblical boy’s name is Hebrew for (He that strengthens and makes steadfast.) | 186. Janus: Of Latin origin, this name means (archway.) |
62. Javi: With Spanish origins, this name means (bright one.) | 187. Jabari: This name is of Africana origin meaning (fearless) or (brave.) |
63. Junior: In Latin, this name means (young child.) | 188. Jacek: This is Polish for (Hyancinth flower.) |
64. Jetson: This American name is simply translated to (Son of a Jet.) | 189. Jaco: In Hebrew, this name means (he who supplants.) |
65. Jelani: This African name means (great and powerful.) | 190. Jachin: Of Hebrew roots, this name means (he that strengthens and makes steadfast.) |
66. Jamani: This name is Swahili for (honest.) | 191. Jackhenry: This name is an American combination of Jack and Henry, and means (versatile) and (analytical.) |
67. Josep: In Polish, this name means (God shall add.) | 192. Jascha: In Hebrew, this means (may God protect.) |
68. Juniper: This unique name is Latin for (young.) | 193. Jay’Ceon: This name is American and means (to heal.) |
69. Jase: In Hebrew, this name means (healer.) | 194. Jadel: This is an English-American name and means (singing and looks.) |
70. Jenson: This name is Scandinavian for (Son of Jan.) | 195. Jodari: This is an English name and means (flower.) |
71. Justus: In Latin, this name means (righteous one.) | 196. Jashik: In Arabic, this name means (protector.) |
72. Jericho: This name is Arabic for (city of the moon.) | 197. Joshua: This name is Hebrew and means (God is deliverance.) |
73. Jonah: In Hebrew, this name means (dove.) | 198. Joaozinho: Derived from Portuguese roots, this name means (little Joao) or (God is merciful.) |
74. Jareb: In Hebrew, this name means (he will struggle.) | 199. Jayden: This name is Spanish for (thankful.) |
75. Julian: This name is Latin for (young at heart.) | 200. Ja’Mere: This name is of English roots and means (good looking) or (handsome.) |
76. Jordan: With biblical origins, this name is Hebrew for (to flow down.) | 201. Jaah: This is a Persian name that means (grandeur.) |
77. Jack: Its English origin means (jack of all trades.) | 202. Jindrich: This name is a German derivative meaning (home ruled.) |
78. James: This popular bible name is Hebrew for (he who supplants.) | 203. Jimin: Of Korean origin, this name means (wisdom) or (intellect.) |
79. Jaxon: With a British original, this boy’s name means (son of Jack.) | 204. Joao: In Portuguese, this name means (has been gracious.) |
80. Jasper: Its Greek meaning is (treasurer.) | 205. Jidenna: This name is Igbo for (hold on to your father.) |
81. Jefferson: This name is English for (son of Jeffrey.) | 206. Jad: Jad is Arabic for (generous.) |
82. Jermaine: This name is of Latin origin and means (brother.) | 207. Jakari: This American name is derived from Jacob and means (God will protect.) |
83. Jordy: This name is a variant of the Hebrew name Jordan, and means (flowing down.) | 208. Judson: In Greek, this name means (praised.) |
84. Javier: With Basque roots, this name means (castle.) | 209. Jadiel: In Hebrew, this name means (one who will judge.) |
85. Job: This name is Hebrew for (he who weeps.) | 210. Jaala: This Hebrew name means (little goat.) |
86. Josias: In Hebrew, this name means (God supports and heals.) | 211. Jair: Of Hebrew roots, this name means (he shines.) |
87. Josh: This name is Hebrew for (Jehovah is salvation.) | 212. Jalil: In Arabic, this name means (superiority.) |
88. Jean: In French, this name means (God is gracious.) | 213. Jerusalem: This Hebrew name means (city of peace.) |
89. Jhacari: This name has French roots and means (playful.) | 214. Joffrey: Primarily of English origin, this name means (peace of a stranger.) |
90. Jiyan: This name is of Hindi origin and means (near heart, always happy.) | 215. Jeppe: Jeppe is Scandinavian for (supplanter.) |
91. Jin: Of Chinese origin, this name means (bright and beautiful.) | 216. Jrue: This name is of American origins and means (manly.) |
92. Jacoby: This name is derived from Hebrew origin and means (supplanting.) | 217. Jakov: This name is Hebrew for (he who succeeds.) |
93. Jori: This name is related to the Hebrew name Jordan and means (down-flowing.) | 218. Jambavan: In Hindu, this means (king of the bears.) |
94. Jessup: This name is Hebrew for (Jehovah increases.) | 219. Junichiro: In Japanese, this means (he who takes.) |
95. Jad: In Arabic, this name means (generous.) | 220. Junpei: Of Japanese roots, this name means (genuine.) |
96. Jevon: This cool name is of American origin and means (gift of God.) | 221. Juliek: This is an English name and it means (extravagant.) |
97. Jairo: Of Spanish origin, this name means (he shines.) | 222. Juho: This is a Finnish variation of John. |
98. Jazer: This name is Muslim for (helpful.) | 223. Jeremija: In Hebrew, this means (the Lord exalts.) |
99. Javien: In Hebrew, this name means (one of Noah’s sons.) | 224. Jovan: The Serbian and Macedonian meaning of this name is (He exalts.) |
100. Jayco: Jayco is derived from Latin roots and means (just.) | 225. Jourdaine: This is Hebrew for (flowing downwards.) |
101. Janek: This is Slavic for (God is gracious.) | 226. Jake: This is Hebrew for (God will protect.) |
102. Jenesis: This is Greek for (beginning.) | 227. Jenaro: Of Latin deviation, this name means (getaway.) |
103. Jeric: This is an English name for (strong, gifted.) | 228. Jossy: While Jossy doesn’t have a specific origin, it is known to mean (independent.) |
104. Jashwin: Of Bengali origins, this name means (glow.) | 229. Jostin: This name is modern English for (just, fair.) |
105. Jannik: This name is Dutch for (God is gracious.) | 230. Joss: The name Joss is of English origin and means (the merry one.) |
106. Jehiel: In Hebrew, this name means (may God live.) | 231. Joko: In Javanese, this means (young unmarried man) or (boy.) |
107. Jemuel: This name is Hebrew for (day of God.) | 232. Jimmu: This name means (divine warrior) in Japanese. |
108. Judah: Its Hebrew roots are derived from (praised.) | 233. Jiles: This name is Greek for (small goat.) |
109. June: This name is Latin and means (young.) | 234. Jovanny: In Hebrew, this means (father of the sky.) |
110. Joel: Joel is Hebrew for (Jehovah is the Lord.) | 235. Juanpablo: In Spanish, this means (God is gracious.) |
111. Jett: This is British for (free or black stone.) | 236. Jiro: This name is Japanese for (second son.) |
112. Journey: Its British meaning is (trip) or (expedition.) | 237. Jad: This is an Arabic name meaning (generous.) |
113. Jensen: Of Scandinavian roots, this unique name means (God is gracious.) | 238. Jim: In English, this name means (supplant.) |
114. Josue: In Portuguese, it means (Jehovah is salvation.) | 239. Julen: This name is of Latin origin meaning (youthful.) |
115. Josue: In Hebrew, this name means (God is salvation.) | 240. Jacinto: Of Spanish origin, this name means (flower name.) |
116. Jeronimo: This is Italian for (sacred name.) | 241. Janyl: This name is English for (blend of jar and Darell.) |
117. Josef: Of Hebrew origin, this name means (God will give.) | 242. Junien: This name means (God will uplift) in Hebrew. |
118. Jada: This name is Hebrew for (he knows.) | 243. Juste: Of French roots, this name means (just, righteous.) |
119. Je: This name is of Malaysian origin and means (ascent.) | 244. Jean-Baptiste: This name is of Hebrew origin and means (God is gracious.) |
120. Jesimiel: This name is Hebrew for (the Lord establishes.) | 245. Jamshid: Of Persian origin, this means (king.) |
121. Jeziah: Of Hebrew origin, this name means (sprinkling of the Lord.) | 246. Jacorey: This name means (best boy, hollow) and is of English origin. |
122. Jahkor: This name’s origin is unknown but is tied to meanings of (cleverness and talent.) | 247. Jabarl: Of African culture, this means (comforter.) |
123. Jupiter: In Latin, this name means (supreme god.) | 248. Jacky: This name is French for (supplanter.) |
124. Jayvee: In English, this name means (beautiful.) | 249. Jaafan: This name is of African origin and means (small river.) |
125. Jamani: This name is Swahili for (honest.) | 250. Jordan: This is Hebrew for (to flow down.) |
J Baby Boy Names with Origin and Meaning
S.No. | Name | Origin | Meaning |
1. | Jaka | Slovene | Supplanter |
2. | Jalo | Finnish | Noble, gracious |
3. | Jiro | Japanese | Two, son |
4. | Jaya | Sanskrit | Victory |
5. | Jory | Cornish | Farmer, earth worker |
6. | Jacobus | Dutch | Supplanter |
7. | Jan | Scandinavian, Catalan, German, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Dutch | God is gracious |
8. | Januarius | Latin | January |
9. | Jean-Baptiste | French | John the Baptist |
10. | Jeremias | Portuguese, Finnish | God will exalt |
11. | Jim | English | Supplanter |
12. | Jocelyn | Germanic | Geats, Goths (tribes) |
13. | Justus | Latin | Just |
14. | Jove | Latin | Jupiter, Zeus, Father |
15. | Jeffrey | Norman, Germanic | Peace, territory, foreign, hostage |
16. | Jerry | English | Diminutive of Jeremy, Jerome, Gerald |
17. | Jancsi | Hungarian | God is gracious |
18. | Jadon | Hebrew | Thankful, he will judge |
19. | Jeconiah | Hebrew | Yahweh will establish |
20. | Jehiel | Hebrew | God will live |
21. | Jehudi | Hebrew | Jew |
22. | Jeroboam | Hebrew | The people contend |
23. | Joab | Hebrew | Yahweh is father |
24. | Jorah | Hebrew | He teaches |
25. | Judah | Hebrew | Praise |
26. | Jamal | Arabic | Beauty |
27. | Jalil | Arabic | Important, exalted |
28. | Jaak | Estonian | Supplanter |
29. | Jatau | Hausa | Fair-colored, light |
30. | Jayanta | Sanskrit | Victorious |
31. | Jooseppi | Finnish | He will add |
32. | Jun-Ho | Korean | Talented, handsome, stove, bright, summer, sky, heaven |
33. | Jyoti | Sanskrit | Light |
34. | Jess | English | Gift |
35. | Jett | English | Jet aircraft, jet black |
36. | Jabr | Arabic | Consolation, assistance |
37. | Josh | English | God is salvation |
38. | Jools | English | Downy-bearded |
39. | Judd | Medieval English | Descend, flow down |
40. | Jep | Medieval English | Peace, territory, foreign, hostage |
41. | João | Portuguese | God is gracious |
42. | Jae | Korean | Talent, ability, wealth, riches |
43. | Jam | Persian | Twin |
44. | Jensen | Danish | Son of Jens |
45. | Justice | English | Judge, justice |
46. | Jabbar | Arabic | Powerful |
47. | Jaswinder | Sanskrit | Fame, glory, praise |
48. | Jitendra | Sanskrit | Conqueror of Indra |
49. | Jefferson | English | Son of Jeffrey |
50. | Jun | Korean, Chinese | King, ruler, talented, handsome, army |
51. | Jupiter | Latin | Zeus, father |
52. | Jurgen | Dutch | Farmer, earth worker |
53. | Joost | Dutch | Lord |
54. | Jökull | Icelandic | Glacier, ice |
55. | Jaci | Tupi | Moon |
56. | Jun’ichi | Japanese | Obey, submit, pure, one |
57. | Jyrgal | Kyrgyz | Happiness |
58. | Jóhonaa’éí | Navajo | Sun |
59. | Jostein | Old Norse | Horse, stone |
60. | Jahangir | Persian | World conqueror |
61. | Juanne | Sardinian | God is gracious |
62. | Jumanne | Swahili | Tuesday |
63. | Jaylaani | Somali | From Gilan |
64. | Jachin | Hebrew | He establishes |
65. | Jada | Hebrew | He knows |
66. | Jamyang | Tibetan | Gentle song |
67. | Jarek | Polish, Czech | Fierce, strong |
68. | Jens | Danish | God is gracious |
69. | Jengo | Swahili | Building |
70. | Johano | Esperanto | God is great |
J Baby Boy Names of Different Religion and Meaning
S.No. | Name | Religion | Meaning |
1. | Jabari | Muslim | A valiant man, Brave |
2. | Jabarr | Hindu | One who consoles others |
3. | Jabarri | Christian | A valiant man |
4. | Jaagup | Christian | Estonian variant of the name of Jacob. Jacob means ‘the heel’. It can also mean to overthrow and gain power |
5. | Jaah | Muslim | It means magnificence or splendour |
6. | Jaai | Hindu | Jaai signifies Victory |
7. | Jaaijit | Hindu | Jaaijit implies Victor |
8. | Jaalen | Christian | Calm or serenity |
9. | Jaabir | Muslim | One who repairs the loss |
10. | Jaaden | Christian | Resembling the green gemstone |
11. | Jaafar | Muslim | Rivulet |
12. | Jaamal | Muslim | A hand- some man |
13. | Jaan | Christian, Muslim | Believes in the Lord, Soul, Life |
14. | Jaareh | Muslim | One who wounds and bruises |
15. | Jaaron | Christian | A song of rejoicing |
16. | Jaason | Christian | God is my salvation / a healer; in mythology, the leader of the argonauts |
17. | Jaaved | Christian | Eternal one |
18. | Jaavon | Christian | Man from greece ; in the bible , noah |
19. | Jaay | Christian | One who rejoices or is jubilant |
20. | Jabaar | Hindu | One who consoles others |
21. | Jabar | Hindu | One who consoles others |
22. | Jagadip | Hindu | Lamp of the universe |
23. | Jagadish | Hindu | Lord of the universe |
24. | Jagajeet | Hindu | Conquerer of the world |
25. | Jabbaar | Muslim | Mighty, One who has ascendancy, King; One who consoles the bereaved |
26. | Jabbar | Muslim | Comforting, Almighty, Absolute |
27. | Jabez | Christian | Sorrow, Born in pain |
28. | Jabir | Muslim | Supportive, Restorer |
29. | Jabiri | Hindu | A man who is fearless |
30. | Jaccob | Christian | He who supplants |
31. | Jack | Christian, Jewish | Believer in a gracious God, Personality-plus |
32. | Jackie | Jewish | Personable |
33. | Jackson | Christian, Jewish | Jack’s son, Full of personality, Son of Jacob |
34. | Jacob | Christian, Jewish | Replacement, Best boy, held by the heel, Supplanter, Protected |
35. | Jacobb | Christian | He who supplants |
36. | Jacobson | Christian | Son of jacob |
37. | Jacques | Christian, Jewish | Romantic, Ingenious |
38. | Jag Jeevan | Hindu | Life of the world |
39. | Jacqueson | Christian | A variant of Jackson |
40. | Jagatprakash | Hindu | Light of the world |
41. | Jagatveer | Hindu | Bravest in the world ( jagveer ) |
42. | Jagdeep | Hindu | Light of the universe |
43. | Jagdeo | Hindu | God of the world |
44. | Jagdish | Hindu | King of the world |
45. | Jagesh | Hindu | Lord of the universe |
46. | Jadon | Christian | Devout, Ball-of-fire, He will judge, God has heard |
47. | Jadrien | Christian | This name is a blend of Jay or Jade and Adrien |
48. | Jafar | Muslim | From the stream |
49. | Jafee | Christian | It is from the Hebrew word yafe, meaning beautiful |
50. | Jaffar | Muslim | It means, spring or a small river |
51. | Jag | Hindu | Man of the world |
52. | Jag Jeevan | Hindu | Life of the world |
53. | Jagachandra | Hindu | Moon of the universe |
54. | Jagadayu | Hindu | Life spring of the universe |
55. | Jagadbandu | Hindu | Lord krishna |
56. | Jagadeep | Hindu | Light of the world |
57. | Jagadees | Hindu | ‘Lord of The World’ |
58. | Jagadev | Hindu | Lord of the world |
59. | Jagadhidh | Hindu | Lord of the world |
60. | Jagadhish | Hindu | Lord of the world |
61. | Jagajeevan | Hindu | Life of the world |
62. | Jaganmay | Hindu | Spread over the universe |
63. | Jagannath | Hindu | Lord of the world |
64. | Jagat | Hindu | World |
65. | Jagish | Hindu | Lord of the universe |
66. | Jagatbehari | Hindu | World traveler ( jagvihari ) |
67. | Jagatguru | Hindu | Preceptor of the world |
68. | Jagatkishor | Hindu | World child |
69. | Jagatpal | Hindu | Caretaker of the world (god) |
70. | Jagatprabhu | Hindu | God of the world |
With so many options to choose from, we wish you success in your search for the perfect name for your baby boy!
Tips to Come Up with Baby Boy Names Starting with Letter ‘J’
While you can choose from the list above to give your little one a lovely name and watch him grow up loving it, if you specifically want to come up yourself with a baby boy name that starts with the letter ‘J’, you can keep these tips in mind—
- Finally, don’t be afraid to get creative in coming up with an amazing middle name for your baby boy.
- You can mix and match names from the above collection to create a new name of your choice.
- Next, you can check out the meaning of names starting with the letter ‘J’ and choose a name that appeals to you. Or, think of names of your ancestors/grandparents/uncles/cousins that begin with the letter ‘J’ to honor your family tradition.
- You can even consider your hobbies, interests, and favorite things that start with the letter ‘J’ to name your baby boy.
- Also, you can take inspiration for names for your little dragon from the best Dragon name collection.
- Above all, the most important thing is to choose a name that will not only appeal to you but will also bring joy and happiness to your little one for many years to come.
Bottom Line
That is all! As you can see there are many great options for boy names starting with the letter J, so hopefully the above-listed ‘boy names starting with J’ collection is enough to help you find the right name that you think would truly suit your baby boy.
Ans: Here are listed the top 10 J Names for boys from video games—
- Jameson – Halo
- Jedah – Darkstalkers
- Jet – Wild Arms 3
- Jin – Tekken
- Jago – Killer Instinct
- Jaiden – Yu-gi-oh
- Jorge – Halo
- Jak – Jak and Daxter
- Jinpachi – Tekken
- Jiro – Battle High
Ans: Some of the ‘J’ names for boys that are inspired by books and movies are as listed—
- Jansen – Last name of book character Cam
- Jareth – The Labyrinth movie
- Jarvis – Iron Man movies
- Javert – Inspector from Les Miserables movie
- Jean-Luc – Picard of Star Trek
- Jeeves – My Man Jeeves stories
- Joffrey – Baratheon from Game of Thrones
- Joshamee – Gibbs from Pirates of the Caribbean movies
- Jackson – Last name of book character Percy
- Jaime – Lannister from Game of Thrones
- Jiminy – Cricket from Pinocchio movie
- Jabba – Star Wars movies
Ans: Some European baby boy names starting with J are—
- Jake – UK
- Jannik – Germany
- Jens – Netherlands
- Joao – Portugal
- Jacopo – Italy
- Johannes – Germany
- Jovan – Serbia
- Jules – France
- Jaka – Slovenia
- Joep – Netherlands
Ans: Here are listed some American baby boy names starting with J—
- Jayden
- Jaxon/Jaxson
- Jose
- Julian
- Justin
- Joshua
- Juan
- Jace/Jayce
- Jasper
Ans: Some Asian and African baby boy names starting with J are as listed—
- Joo-won – South Korea
- Joon-woo – South Korea
- Jui-En – Taiwan
- Jun-seo – South Korea
- Jian – China
- Junior – South Africa
- Jie – China
- Ji-hu/Ji-ho – South Korea
Ans: Here are listed some baby boy names from mythology that starts with J—
- Janus – (Roman) Means (archway)
- Jam – (Persian) means (twins)
- Jupiter – (Roman) Means (Sky father)
- Jarl – (Norse) Means (chieftain)
- Jayanta – (Hindu) Means (victorious)
Ans: Albeit, choosing a name that begins with J for your little boy can be difficult because there are so many great options to consider before landing on a last name. But, to be specific, you can consider naming aspects such as spelling, pronunciation and meaning to find the right name for your son.
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